love, light, sorrow, joy, faces, places, and the memories they hold -
these are the elements of our heyday

Hey There!

Heydays With Hanna is an online journal about travel memoirs, design musings, photographs, and personal reflections. I hope to be able to encourage you all to embrace everything about the mundane and extraordinary days and make every moment a Happy Heyday!
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Photo taken during a solo visit at the Museum of Contemporary Art and Design
I originally wanted to make this blog as constantly updated as possible, this was sort of my avenue of breaking out of my usual routine at work and the job site. I never expected that life would be so busy for the last couple of months that I have seriously failed to even take some time to breathe in this personal space that I created. Well, here I am, finally enjoying some time alone. Let me recollect my thoughts and try to bring bits and pieces of the last few months together.
Allow me to begin recollecting my thoughts about my current job - which is teaching.
A photo with my student Rubi after finishing our light installation for the Annual Portfolio Review of the SDA Architecture program.
This June, I'll be officially celebrating my 3rd year in the Academe. It's a job that I never really saw myself doing but I've always had this voice in my head that kept on pushing me to go back and give back. Teaching has been a challenge, it's been a rollercoaster ride for me. There are days of great fulfillment, days when you just want to pause and evaluate yourself if you're still being effective as a mentor, then there are days when pride and self-entitlement kick in where I constantly fight with myself as I feel like an ant wandering around a majestic hall of statues carved out from the finest of stones. On days that I question my credentials and my worth of being included in this prestige and passionate institution, I am always humbled and reminded of God's promise in 1 Timothy 4: 12 :
"Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity."
"Contradiction" and installation I curated for my Architectural Design Principles class
On great days, however, whenever I see the students that I got the privilege of handling and mentoring, there's a certain kind of joy that leaps inside of me, a certain sense of being complete - the kind of fulfillment that no amount of money can ever buy. I have learned to love each of the students that I handled, so much so that every time it's time for me to let them go and move on to another year, I silently evaluate myself if I have done my part in educating and encouraging these young hopefuls to become not only better Architects and Designers, but be better people in this world.

Form finding exercises made by my students in my Design Principles class. These students have so much promise and talent, I myself learn from them every single day.
My stay at SDAAR will never be the same if it wasn't for the warm welcome of the whole Teaching track. They are all masters of their craft and I respect each and everyone of them, I appreciate the breakfast talks, they jokes we play with each other to break off the stress, the collective insights they bring on the table to make my teaching more efficient. If I can only fit everyone in one frame in this photograph, I actually would. But I sincerely thank everyone of them for giving me a different and positive mindset about teaching and dealing with students.
My first Benilde graduation as a Faculty Member
The last time I was able to witness the graduation of the students, I told myself: I would love to see my first batch of students march down that hall with their togas in tow. I think that just like to our dear parents, it's the most fulfilling experience of any mentor.
The most fulfilling experience is when your students make you feel loved despite the tasks you make them do and the tough critique sessions you go through. Here's one of the classes that I handled last year, DFR4B giving me a sweet "singlehood sendoff" days before my wedding. I do not know what I did in my past life to deserve this, but I thank the Lord for being a small part of my students lives.
Will I keep teaching? Yes. Until when? Until God tells me to. I have a lot of things to learn and improve on, I have to constantly find ways to improve myself as a mentor, but as long as this small voice is inside me telling me to keep going, I will do everything to help the future generation have a sense hard work, passion, and direction for a better future!

"14Do not neglect your gift, which was given you through prophecy when the body of elders laid their hands on you.
15Be diligent in these matters; give yourself wholly to them, so that everyone may see your progress. 16Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers." 
- 1 Timothy 4:14-16

Lunch time is over, time to get back to what I have to do and that is to rush some working drawings for a project before I take the week off with my husband to a beautiful land the we also love to call home!


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